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Welcome to our Service Glossary.

Service Blueprint

Service blueprint

A service blueprint summarizes all relevant service steps and offerings in a comprehensive diagram. It contains both the company's internal view of the service offered and the experience of the service recipients.

Service Design

Discipline that deals with the user-centered (re)design of holistic service processes. Service designers evaluate existing or planned service experiences from the perspective of various users and identify the potential and possibilities of new approaches. For example, in voicebots, telephone systems, websites, forms and much more. Good service design is in the intersection of brand experience, user experience, corporate vision and change management. It increases customer satisfaction and at the same time helps internally to relieve the employees of an organization in the long term.


Stakeholders are all groups of people who influence a company in its activities or are influenced by the company.

Systemic consulting

Systemic consulting has its origins in systemic therapy, which does not only consider individual persons but the association of whole groups of persons in a holistic way. In Systemic Consulting or Organizational Consulting these approaches are used to accompany and support companies, administrations and organizations in numerous transformation processes.

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